Hey dude... Just don't lose this... It's what I like to call NUMBERS ... It contains all the numbers in the Zip files I have created... Just take care of this for me K? ALSO do not put this on your FTP site... put it in a secure directory that no one will bother fucking with it. Jesse Haley jhaley1 7137349 <==Darkwolf -- EzSoft EzSoft Globals - SGQR9KKO EzSoft Colorize - MNOWJ838 -- Wilderland Erotica - 392C343E3726322G 16 user WilderLand Mud PSVUPSLS for Horoscope FEJEEIGH Tarot Card Reader/ANSI GDFEJKKH -- WildSoft Development Group Bathroom Stalls - 84542262 -- Adventurecomm Chinese Zodiac - QQLDNHIIJY -- Rifsters Module Purchase Information --------------------------------------- Name : JASON COCHRAINE Registration # : 03680705 Module : Global Telecon Activation Code: ^3P^A**Z --------------------------------------- -- LORD 4USER= -105092 UNLIMITED=823464 -- Wilderland Mud needs to be unziped in the Main WGSERV directory with the -d flag, to have it create the additional directories. You will also have to configure it to run properly in the LEVEL 3 and 4 setups. Horoscope you just need to run the SETUP program and do any additional CONFIGS you might need. Tarot Card Reader needs to be Unziped in the Main WGSERV directory. The setup your options in level 3 and 4 just like the others. Attached is WilderLand Mud, the other files will follow, if you have any questions or need help with something, email me. == Thank you for registering Lunatix for WorldGroup. Now that your copy of Lunatix is registered, all upgrades to this game will be free. I wasn't sure which BBS Software you run, so, I produced codes for both. The upgrade to WG 3 is free anyways, so, if you are running WG 2 and plan on upgrading, you don't need to write back to us because you will already have the codes. The following are your registration codes for Lunatix WG2 version: Using the online CNF options, enter the following lines (enter them exactly as they appear below): Line 1: - Jason Cochraine Line 2: - GCA BBS Line 3: - 4341/1570/511 Line 4: - 1350/570/216 Line 17: - 1239/396/182 The following are your registration codes for Lunatix WG3 version: Using the online CNF options, enter the following lines (enter them exactly as they appear below): Line 1: - Jason Cochraine Line 2: - GCA BBS Line 3: - 43413925546 Line 4: - 13501425237 Line 17: - 1239990203 If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact us via E-mail at Prowler96@aol.com. Be sure to visit our web site at: www.cxo.com/~lunatix Sincerely, Prowler Productions (Mike Snyder & Anna Kasl-Kissinger) Hello. The codes I sent you for WG2 were for full user version.....but, the codes I sent you for WG3 were only for two user version. I am terribly sorry about that. I grabbed the wrong codes from the WG3 version. Please accept my apologies. Here are the correct codes for the full user version of WG3: Line 1: Jason Cochraine Line 2: GCA BBS Line 3: 28943140536 Line 4: 9001140231 Line 17: 826792197 If you have any other problems, please e-mail us back. Once again, I am very sorry. Sincerely, Prowler Productions (Anna Kasl-Kissinger & Mike Snyder) (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? --- Thanks for registering Distant Places for WG3/95/NT. Your codes are as follows: Line 1: Jason Cochraine Line 2: 43413925531 Line 3: 1239990194